Kids & Dogs

My daughter really loves animal, aaany kind of it. Therefore i, as the parent have to be very careful when she approaches any random animals without even thinking the consequences. (Oh don’t they all). So, instead of telling them what NOT to do (which is impossible, i know you parents can relate) i redirect her to what should she do.

Doing dog walking is just one of the best method to do this, as dog is already a “domesticated beast”, plus he is my beloved pet 🙂

Some things that our kids can learn from dog walking are:

  1. Leadership: so they should manage themselves, before they want to tell others (in this case: dog)
  2. Responsibility: The dog will be under their care, they will notice that the dog needs them telling which way to go, which area to sniff on, etc.
  3. Respect: Your kid will learn that everyone needs a “personal space” and there are ways to approach it in a respectful ways. How? Oh you will figure it out when they meet other dog strolling from opposite direction ðŸ˜€
look sis! that dude is suspicious, should we bark?

However, please remember this: always do this under your supervision! And if you think your kid is ready enough, don’t get complacent, you need to always be there to control any situation that might occur, you never know!